I'm still annoyed about celebrating Christmas early. I hate having it moved around for others' convenience so they can get out of here for Christmas. It's really making me pissy about Christmas. I'm getting pissy just in general, because I'm tired of waiting for the appointment with my surgeon - it's this Tuesday. I tried to get an earlier appointment for weeks and couldn't - I just want to get this over with. I had to be taken to the ER again last night for pain - apparently, if you go into the ER in tears - go to your knees b/c you have to double over because it feels like a hand is inside the middle of your body twisting your insides - you get taken right back - who knew? More blood tests, x-rays, pain medication injection and go home and wait for surgery - at least this time there is some type of potential "end" in sight.
Due to the fact that my mother decided to just move Christmas, I'm not sure if I'm going to get everything in the mail on time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I get everyone in my family a funny t-shirt every year. I ordered my brother's t-shirt off of a website that I always get his from, and they waited 5 days to e-mail me and basically tell me the shirt was out of stock, my order was canceled, and here's my refund - merry freaking Christmas. They didn't even offer to let me pick another shirt with expedited shipping at their expense - it's too late to not have to pay 2 day shipping now since the whole let's move Christmas b/c it's more convenient for 2 people out of 6 thing. I ordered him another t-shirt and had to pay $13 just to get it in time. These are the shirts:
Mother's T-shirt: The shirt has 2 paint splatters where the boobs are and reads "AR TITS" - my mom' s an artist - that one cracks me up :D
Sister-in-Law's T-shirt: It reads across the breasts - "no, I'm not interested, I'm just cold" - she gets mad at me b/c I mess w/her all the time b/c she wears thin shirts and she obviously gets cold a lot - it's probably repressed jealousy b/c I always wanted perky ones (hehe)
Stepfather's T-shirt: There's a snake with a knot in his tail - it reads "A Reptile Dysfunction" - I love bad puns :D
Brother's T-shirt #1 (that was canceled) It had an eye with a "teardrop" and it read "swallow...or it's going in your eye." (laugh) Yeah, we all have sick senses of humor.
Brother's T-shirt #2: "Ask me about my explosive diarrhea." My brother always has to run to the bathroom right after he eats - he jokes about it all the time about whether a bowel movement is a "one-flusher" or "two-flusher" - can you imagine what it was like growing up in my household?
I also got my brother a package of band-aids that look just like strips of bacon: http://www.perpetualkid.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1224
Hilarious. My brother's gifts are always the most fun - I also got him a license plate holder that is red l.e.d. on the bottom and scrolls 5 different programmable messages when you hit the brakes. Hopefully, he won't get arrested for what he chooses as messages. The most evil thing is a rubberband gun - not a "kiddie" one but an adult, stretch that baby out as far as you can, gun - hopefully, since I gave it - I won't get hit by it :P Someone will - can't wait (hehe). The rest of the gifts for everyone are vanilla but still are good picks - I just won't bore you with them here - hell, you didn't even make it this far anyway.
I lost a friend tonight. You know who you are. We've talked extensively online and on the phone, but I haven't had a chance to meet him simply because I'm hesitant about traveling right now b/c of my stomach unless someone is with me in the car. I just wanted to send him a card and a handmade ornament (my mom and I made ornaments this year with swirled paint in them - they rock and they are signed). He wouldn't let me and really didn't offer a good explanation as to why - "our mail goes to the wrong address sometimes" - so? It' s a Christmas card and an ornament - it's not PORN. He already has my address; he looked it up. I give up on understanding people; people are nuts.
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