I’m feeling a little bit better. I can get out of bed now without rolling out on my side, crying, and being wracked by the chills and chattering teeth. I really don’t get why people think this surgery is so easy – I’ve read other peoples’ posts on forums, and they are all talking about friends that brag about going to Starbucks the day after surgery – but that they are confused b/c they are in so much pain. Some idiot started this rumor. Probably, a boss that wanted an employee to come back to work a day after surgery. I'd like to find whomever started this rumor and kick the person and then run away (hehe). I’m down to 2-3 pain pills a day instead of 4-5. I actually had 2 small meals today instead of the one a day I’ve had since surgery. I feel kind of bad tonight; I overdid it a little. I wanted to go out and try to shop a little but getting in and out of the car is fairly painful right now. Plus, all the rain is not making things easier. Let’s not even talk about the ITCHING. Oh my god, it itches. It itches right now – it’s killing me – I want to scratch so badly.
I found another perfume oil website (hangs head in shame). The link is here: http://www.femaledictions.com/. I ordered (you knew I ordered some…don’t look at me like that…sticks out tongue):
Espionage: Black Vanilla Beans, Black Sandalwood, and Blackened Woods. “Can you be more well disguised?”
Charm Her: Raspberries and Roses slathered in a double coating of rich milk chocolate. “Make her one of us…”
Forked Tongue: Sugared cinnamon and various abominations. Smells like the “Red Hots” candy tastes! “Hot Stuff!”
Jugular: Cherries, Vanilla, and Muscadine Grapes. “Red and Purple spatter…”
This site is a little hard to navigate – I got irritated. But, I love the scent descriptions – a little wicked – just like me
I’m really annoyed with lots of people that didn’t give a crap that I’ve been going through a great deal of pain. I’m so disappointed in so many people. It’s just time to weed out the people that I interact with again. I wish people that message me would just READ ONE OF MY BLOG ENTRIES. People keep messaging me and typing dirty things or asking me if I’ve been out “partying.” No, I have not been anywhere but in bed and crawling out of bed when I absolutely have to pee – that’s been basically it. This whole topic is just making me mad, so I’m going to stop now.
My mom bought me a ton of groceries, and my brother has been calling to check on me everyday. My best friend has been helping immensely except for one night – he drank and he’s not supposed to be drinking – and it was a really bad night. It was the 2nd night of healing, and I really needed help (I still have to keep an ice pad on my stomach, so that I can sleep – the twinges of pain and general aching are helped a lot by ice). My blood pressure has been super low – usually it’s not – and I tried to call my surgeon and let him know and he kept focusing on the fact that I take 2 separate blood pressure medicines (sometimes alternating b/c my dr hasn’t found one that doesn’t have bad side effects and is effective at controlling my blood pressure) instead of focusing on the whole reason that I called which is b/c my blood pressure is LOW. I’m not even taking my blood pressure medicine, and it’s low – that worries me. I’m supposed to contact my family dr on Monday – what a big help – I could be bleeding internally and he’s not concerned.
I’m really worried about the scarring/wounds. My stomach is a mess – I’m a mess – my hands are severely bruised from all the attempts to get the I.V. in and I have four spots plus my belly button that are incisions. These are going to take a year to heal; I look awful
I’ve started swapping with fellow Black Phoenix perfume oil lovers – this is pretty cool – I can trade the ones I hate for ones that someone else hates that I may love – this rocks
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