My mom is in the hospital. She never gets sick - never. She has pancreatitis from a gallstone that finally passed, very painfully, at 4 a.m. in the morning last night. She is out of town in a different state with her husband right now for his reunion. My mom has always been a "pleaser" - she puts other people's interests first always - and she shouldn't do this - she told her husband to go on to his reunion. And, what is more ironic, is that he did! Seriously - if my spouse or boyfriend was in the hospital in a state in which he or she knows no one - I would be right by that person's side - I wouldn't be going anywhere. This whole occurrence is scaring me to death, because my dad died in a hospital in another state. My mom is my best friend; I can't imagine losing her - I am so worried that I can't get my heart to stop racing. I just want to hug her and see her to make sure she is ok - really ok. She has to have her gallbladder out when she returns home. The earliest she can make it out of the hospital is tomorrow - they are trying to get the swelling down and get some solid food down to see if she has another attack. I used her e-mail address at her house to rally all of her friends - so that she would have an inbox and mailbox full of "get well" wishes when she returns home. My mom is a firm believer in positive thoughts, and the power of these in healing and changing people's attitudes and the world in general - so I asked everyone to think these thoughts for her:
Hi - This is Wendy - my mom is in the hospital - she had severe stomach pains while she was out of town - she is being treated for pancreatitis (due to gallbladder stones) - and will most likely have to schedule gallbladder surgery when she returns home. They may discharge her from the hospital tomorrow - but she has not been allowed to eat since she passed the last stone yet - I'm trying to get the news - b/c she'll never tell anyone for fear of making them worry - to anyone I can that can send her a card or get well e-mail and/or think positive thoughts for her at this time - as I am beside myself with worry - and my mom believes in the power of positive thoughts.
I'm hoping to have her mailbox full of get well wishes by the time she returns back or that week (she is planning to be home Monday or Tuesday)
If you could pass this on to other people that you know that would be concerned - it would be most appreciated as I do not have any way to contact them. I do not even know the name of the hospital and she can't accept a lot of phone calls right now - but most importantly - I just want positive thoughts headed in her direction mentally - so if everyone could please help!
Her address info is:
I talked to her today and she is talking fine and is not in anymore pain - and even told Clarence to go on to his reunion activities - you know how she is!
Thanks for your help,
I'm trying so hard to think positive thoughts, but the evil thoughts keep rearing their little spikey heads.
I got my Switch Witch package today and it looked like someone had taken a foot and stepped on it - multiple things were broken. I am glad that I got it though - she sent me stickers, a bottle of bpal that smells like bubblegum, a notepad and pen, stationary, bpal imps, an adorable little floral tin, a pair of soft, fuzzy socks in pink and black stripes, and, best of all - a handmade (hand-painted) sign that reads: "Because I'm the Queen, that's why." That's what I like to tell people sarcastically when they are annoying me about why I said what I said or why I did what I did - especially if I don't feel that I should have to explain my particular choice. There were a couple of other handmade items that arrived broken and in pieces - but I'm glad that I got to open her package and see the thought that she had put into collecting items for me - even the colors of everything were dead-on to my tastes.
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