I'm trying to decide whether or not to get my hair cut. I really need a change. I've had long hair most of my life, and I haven't had it cut into a short style for at least 10 years. I really like how America's Next Top Model cut Sara's hair above - and, if I get it cut, that's the style that I would like. If I talk myself into it, it's going to be difficult to keep my courage up. I dislike the fact that my hair is a security blanket. I'm fairly shy in person, and if I tilt my head a little - I have instant privacy. If my hair is short, I don't have that privacy - my face is just out there for anyone to see no matter how uncomfortable or how nervous I am. The last time I got it cut I hated it, but I had it cut to my shoulders. From looking at past pictures of myself, my hair actually only looks good if it's really short or really long - I don't like pictures of myself with my hair at any of the medium lengths. So, if I do it, I have to go all the way (hehe). I keep telling myself that if you have long hair - you can fix it in ways where you can see all of it or make it appear shorter by pinning it up. Although, I don't hardly ever wear my hair up - I wear it in ponytails a lot in the summer. On the upside, I have tons of long and gorgeous earrings that I've gotten over the years that I've never really had an opportunity to wear in a way that people could see them. Also, my hair grows at a really fast pace - so, if I hated it - it's not going to take 5 years to get it back. I remember when it was shorter; I would look at women with longer hair and wish that I hadn't cut it. I also remember feeling naked without it. I've changed a lot of the past couple of years, so I'm wondering if the present me would deal with it better and have fun with it. I'm trying not to make a rash decision, because that it the easiest way to regret something. Also, despite any emotional attachment, it really is only hair. I'm sure other people in the world (including myself) have a million other things to worry about that are much more important. Decisions decisions

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