I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. For the past 2+ years, I have suffered from disturbing muscle issues. At first, I would just have trouble doing "normal" things for me - dancing, walking up a flight of stairs. And, then it progressed into unfightable fatigue and not even being able to raise my arms to wash my hair sometimes. Six months ago, I started having "charlie horses" everywhere. I didn't know someone could even have these anywhere other than in her calves - I was having muscle spasms in my toes, hips - my roommate had to pull me out of the bathtub once - the spasm was so severe. A week ago, it just all broke loose - I was hurting in so many different places - my lower back, my neck, the front of my neck, one of my knees - and it migrates. It's frightening. Yesterday, blissfully, it just hurt in my left knee and some neck pain. But, today, it's in multiple places again - I just can't sleep at all. They are throwing medications at me again, of course. I've already tried "Savella," and it made me nauseated and worsened my acid reflux. Nothing was as bad as the muscle relaxer though - that sent the acid reflux to my throat for days. After those two didn't work with my stomach, I was given Valium - which does help me sleep - but it makes me jittery as it wears off and terribly nauseous. So, that one is out now too. They are going to call in Lyrica, I believe, tomorrow. I'm just so worried that it's something more - the symptoms of Fibromyalgia are almost identical to other, more debilitating diseases, like multipe sclerosis. I don't have any health insurance or any way to rule those out at this point in time. I'm just worried that my body will never be the same - and all of the medications that they give me to "fix" my body or the pain - they affect my mind. It's a clear mind and painful body or a mildly painful body and fuzzy mind. Stress is one of the worst things that you can deal with, both with my IBS and fibromyalgia - and that's all that I go through anymore.
The kittens are growing so fast. The orange one is actually a little wicked; he bites and holds grudges. I've never seen such an agressive kitten. He's so quick that I can hardly ever catch him when he gets free reign of the house; he runs so fast around corners that he slides - kind of like a car. He's been named "Bolt." We almost named him "Blaze" - it's so hard to name them until they get older, and then usually, you get stuck calling them something stupid, like "orange kitty" (hehe) The black one is a sweetheart; she's almost off her bottle and onto all solid food. Her little face is so adorable; you can't help smiling when you look at her. She loves to nuzzle ears and grab your chin - and purrs like crazy. She has faint little gray stripes on her legs; I'm not sure if she'll keep them as she gets older or not. I named her "Licorice."
My roommate, the one who promised to give me somewhere to live this year without having to worry about anything (rolls eyes), finally got another job after having walked out of his other one. He starts in the morning and will actually be making more than his past job. We have so many bills to catch up on though, and he sold his car - so, he'll be walking to work sometimes and then other times - I'll take him. The brake place that he's working at is super close to the house - less than a mile - so this is a good thing.
My family (my cousins and aunt) came down from Ohio. I haven't seen one of my cousins for almost 20 years. I felt too bad to hang out with them as much as I wanted - but I did get to spend a day and half total with them. My cousin Jessie is 23, and we seem to get each other into trouble (hehe - who me?) We both got tattoos the last time she was down here. I tried to talk her into a belly ring, and the next thing I know, she's getting her nipples pierced (laugh) I don't think I'll ever be able to do it now that I've seen the size of the needle (hee!). Her mom didn't believe that she had done it; Jessie is usually pretty "straight" and narrow - but she has a wicked streak. Her mom asked to see her belly button when we were late arriving back at my mom's house (Jessie made me go get a drink after she had them pierced :P ) - when we kept laughing, her mom says: "What? Did you get your nipples pierced?" and proceeded to grab her breasts. I know that had to hurt - and the secret was out. I still can't believe how long the needle is that they used to pierce them. Jessie keeps teasing me about my age, because she knows I'm getting sensitive about it. Flatteringly, the sexy piercer didn't believe Jessie when she told her how old I was - enough that she kept telling Jessie that there was no way that I was that age. And, a hairstylist and I were talking about age a week ago, and she told me that I looked damn good for my age - so I just need to get over it - huh?
I finally used my gift card for Torrid during their Memorial Day sale and treated myself to some lingerie and a couple of dresses. I bought the cutest panties - one pair is baby pink and has a cartoon squirrel on them and reads "completely nuts" (yeah, yeah...hehe). And, then, I got some more risque stuff (ahem). One camisole is just pure love - it's sheer black with pink lace around the cups - and a black skull pendant on the middle of the "bra" portion - sexy, sweet, and a little wicked (my favorite!) Good and bad this month - I wish my life would just choose good for awhile! Ups and downs are only fun during sex (grin)