My ex-boyfriend's/roommate's mother has breast cancer. They caught it very early while checking on other general health problems, so that is a very good sign. She is one of the most stubborn, feisty, strong women that I know. His way of dealing with his fear about her is to lash out at me. He's been yelling at me for the past two hours. I don't feel well today, so I'm stuck at home. He keeps telling me how none of "his friends" like me and how he shouldn't be living with me - and all other types of hurtful words that I don't care to re-live. I don't understand how a person in his middle 30's does not yet know how to deal with his feelings and accept the fact that he has fears. I shouldn't have to be yelled at because he is scared and can't admit it. I just talk to someone, listen to sad music, cry - something - I would never yell at someone else in a degrading way without realizing what I was doing.
My hair is a new color - it's burgundy with two "peek-a-boo" blonde highlights - one in my bangs and one streak on the left side. It was a nightmare how many times I had my hair colored this week - I made the mistake of trying a new place - but it's finally "liveable" until the next whim hits me. Changing my haircolor makes me happy.
I'm a ChaCha guide which is awesome, because it's something I can do at home. You can just text any question in the whole world to 242242, and you'll have an answer within minutes. I get a lot of sex questions (hehe - big surprise - huh?), weed questions (can you tell I answer questions in the middle of the night? hee), and legal questions. Customers get 4 free questions every 7 days. I hate the homework questions the most, because I had to do my own homework - they should have to also :P I'm just learning how to do answer quickly within the text limits and their guidelines and am up to $75 already. I have my first shift with kgb_ tomorrow as a guide where I will also answer questions - they are stricter, pay less, and work in shifts - so I'm not sure how that one will work out for me - but it's worth a shot. Unlike ChaCha, kgb_ costs .99 a question, but it's harder to be accepted so the answers have a much higher quality rating. Some of the questions that have made me laugh or cringe:
"How long were Viking penises?" (laugh)
"If a hooker comes to your house and passes out, is it rape or shop-lifting?" (cringe)
"Can you have sex with a girl that is passed out?" (cringe)
"What kind of snake is this?" (answer poisonous) Follow up question: "Should I touch it?" (cringe)
I'm also a member of an Artist Trading Card (ATC) forum now! I'm really exited; you can join group swaps (sounds dirty, huh?) or just post your small pieces of art for person-to-person swaps. ATC's are works of art on paper that are 2.5 x 3.5 inches in size. The first swap I have joined is "7 deadly sins." I have "Envy" done (pictured above) - but still have to do "lust" and "wrath." It feels like a really friendly community, so this is definitely a positive in my life currently.
I'm taking care of two teeny tiny kittens! My roommate's sister-in-law rescued 6 of them, and we are bottle-feeding 2 of them. One is a soft black, and one is orange and white striped. I don't know if I'll be able to give the orange one up (bites nails...hehe) I have a weak spot for kitties - but an even weaker spot for orange kitties, since I lost my beautiful boy "Tang" last year. They are so busy. I love when they are awake - but I'm also glad to have a chance to breathe when they are finally sleeping.
I joined an IBS study that researches how writing can affect and/or aid people that deal with the symptoms of IBS. I'll get a $25 check for just writing a couple nights in a row - it does distract you from concentrating on your stomach pain - but, of course, lots of things do and eventually activities will stop distracting you or the pain gets worse. I also can submit a piece of artwork if I want for their publication - also contending that art helps with IBS symptoms. I truly believe that creative arts lead to less stress which would help calm down IBS flare-ups.
It's been an interesting month!
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