Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"I love the way you smack my ass...I love the dirty things you do."

I suck at hearts. No matter how many times I try to play that game, I still suck. I don’t understand how I can be such a good spades player and suck so badly at a similar game. It drives me crazy :P I like to win games. I like to win period. It’s very odd having a stomach problem with a holiday coming up that is wholly based on food. Thankfully, it’s my birthday on Thanksgiving too this year – so I get two holidays in one :D (Doing the "it's my birthday dance..." hehe) Of course, my birthday is much preferred, because I get presents. Oh, come on, you know you like presents just as much as I do. And, I get SPANKINGS – yes, you read correctly, I’m taking applications for 34 (+ one to grow on) SPANKINGS. First come, first served (hehe).

It’s very hard to make my mother mad and react, but I finally did it this week. I’ve been so quiet over these months that her husband won’t let her help me financially and finally she just really pissed me off with the whole not going to be here for Christmas for the first time in 34 years thing. So, we’ve gotten into it over the phone, via e-mail, in person – just around and around. I ordered her every Christmas-based catalog that I could find on the Internet to be sent to her house. I ordered her a bunch of religious pamphlets, even a DVD, on the spirit and meaning of Christmas (hehe). (Yes, I realize how petty I am – it doesn’t happen often – but, when it does, I indulge – leave me alone :P ) I told her that I was going to send her husband’s family a Christmas card thanking them for not inviting us to Christmas. I think that was the point when I finally got a reaction out of her – it wasn’t for a lack of trying :P I feel like my brother when I pick on someone (laugh). She claims that her husband invited himself to his son’s house on Christmas. Still, if you’re not a complete idiot, you’re going to realize the rest of her small family is going to be stuck here alone. The whole thing just irritates me to no end. On a brighter side of things, she paid my delinquent car payments. The plan is that I sell my car to pay for my house, until I can first find out if I need my gallbladder out and then heal and get back to full time employment. Full-time employment doesn’t even sound bad compared to how bad I feel all of the time. I’ve been keeping a symptom and “foods consumed” diary, so I can show my gastroenterologist and mother how much stomach pain plus everything associated with it takes up the majority of most of my days.

I’m making a Christmas list – everyone in my family typically makes one – but I make one to Santa to amuse myself (yes, once again, I realize that I am a child – leave me alone…hehe). I just don’t think holidays, birthday parties, silly indulgences should end just because you get older. I don’t know who made that rule, but I think it’s just stupid. Adults enjoy a lot of the same things kids do – we, most of us anyway, just don’t pee in our beds anymore :P

The securities job is really worrying me. I’m not sure what to do. I’m not worried at all about the tests. I would have to take the Arkansas Life and Health Insurance classes and exam and the series 7 examination. The series 7 is the harder of the two – it’s a six-hour exam – but the BAR was a 2 day exam – I think I’ll live :P The part that concerns me still is the “who you know” part. I just don’t think I know that many people that I could make appointments for financial packages, life insurance, etc with – I think this would be the impediment to any success that I could find in this job, and I’m not really certain if I can overcome it.

What the hell is wrong with people meeting 14 and 16-year old girls on the Internet? I’ve now heard about multiple people that have been caught trying to do this that I know. This worries me on so many levels. One, I’m obviously associating with the wrong type of people. Two, these are *children.* It doesn’t matter if she “sounds” 40, sounds mature, promises you sex – she is STILL a child. This has been all over the news/press, and I don’t even WATCH the news, and I know about it. How can these people not suspect something? This just baffles me. I remember in high school there was this guy with a FULL BEARD (laugh) I used to just look at him in awe. So, I know how differently people can look from their ages – I just always remember the beard guy. (hehe) If I meet someone that has just told me his age and he’s 22-26, I even ask to see an I.D. :P I may do it in a playful way, but still – people LIE, people don’t always look their ages, if someone tells you that she’s 14-16, she’s a CHILD in comparison to YOU if you are in your 20's, 30's, 40's, and so on.

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