Ohmygod - I'm getting my package back! I don't have to drive 3 1/2 hours times 2 - nor call the police department when I get there or anything. My sweetheart of a friend was "allowed" to come and pick it up from my ex's porch. I can breathe again I was so worried, and my Switch Witch was worried - it made me almost not want to join the next round and the Halloween round is my absolute favorite. I love Halloween! I haven't decided what I'm going to dress up as this year. Last year, I was a naughty schoolgirl and a wicked fairy the year before that - so I think I'm going to be something sweet this year (yes, I love Halloween - I'm a big kid, now leave me alone...hehe)
The Black Phoenix Alchemy Halloween oils went "live" tonight - I, being the addict that I am, had to stay up until they were posted. I ordered two bottles right off the bat (hehe - bat - get it?!)
(1) Graveyard Dirt came back! I couldn't believe it - I had just fallen in love with it and was about to go searching for it- and now it's right here for $17.50 - finally, a bit of luck for me (grin)
(2) Sticky Pillowcase
Terminal sugar rush. A little goblin's candy bag, upended. Smushed candy corn, rock candy dust, marshmallow gunk, strawberry goo, spun blue sugar, globs of salt water taffy, and lint.
Oh, c'mon - you already knew I had to order that one! I also ordered decanted vials/samples of about 10 other scents - there are so many to choose from - I dare anyone to go look at them and not be intrigued (grin) She put out a "Sleepy Hollow" line this year - it's awesome how she captured the characters or scenes with the perfume notes - I can't wait to sniff all of them (hee!)
I left a message for my ex thanking him for stopping the games with regard to my package; however, I was told that he had put a piece of furniture that is mine outside. That's so silly - he has 2 empty rooms and a garage that is hardly full - he just did it out of spite. How long can someone hold onto that amont of anger before that person looks inside of himself? How long can everything be someone else's fault or a result of someone else's problems? Seriously, if all these people that are "healthier" than people that you used to hang out with are all disappearing - and the people that caused a lot of drama in your life in the past are right back around - that means something. I am so glad that I am not afraid to look within myself. I know the mistakes that I've made; I respect the past - and try to learn from it. I don't try to hide from my past or pretend that it didn't happen; the minute that you do that - you are destined to repeat it. I'm hoping this means that I can officially start moving on and healing. I'm ready for some fun and less stressful days.
My new dress came in the mail and it is made of win! It's much shorter than usual for me, so I'll need some extra daring to put it on (hehe) I'm sure I can find some extra daring somewhere in me (grin)
My roommate is back home from the hospital and is returning to work tomorrow - he's feeling much better - I'm glad he's home.
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