Labor Day festivities made me think of you. I know you don't care, but I do - and now that's all that matters.
Things you've missed:
(1) Handfuls of phone calls and sweet words.
(2) My new haircolor and haircut.
(3) My new dress.
(4) Graveyard Dirt coming back (woohoo!) and all of the other amazing Black Phoenix Halloween updates. It was weird not ordering decants for you.
(5) The chance to wish my mom well after her hospital stay - and a chance to wish her well before surgery. My mission to fill her mailbox with get-well cards.
(6) Lots of lost sex (hehe)
(7) Opening my Switch Witch package with me.
(8) Joining Switch Witch - 3 boy-witches this round!
(9) Labor Day weekend at the lake with my family and my brother trying to ride "Big Bertha" the float from hell again - being on the boat - swimming where it parked - eating lots of lactose-filled casseroles.
(10) Planning Halloween costumes with me.
(11) Taking pictures with me.
(12) The intimate moments - the moments where I loved to listen to you - and my words or conversations with meaning.
(13) New songs that I wanted to share - and advice on other music that I needed.
(14) The present I already had for your birthday.
(15) Lots of "I love yous" and kisses that are meant.
I don't cry anymore when I think of you and how everything ended; I'm not angry anymore nor am I letting the anger consume me when I think of the lies that were told to me. So, I think I'm healing. My sex drive came back - thank god. I was worried that it was gone. I was thinking the other day and felt a little "twinge" - hehe. At least, I'm not broken.
I pondered sending you back your mom's letter. I wanted you to know what it feels like when someone blames you for your own mistreatment due to anger/rage - whatever the root of the problem is, but I guess you grew up with that - and reading a letter illustrating it - isn't going to make it sink in any more than it should have already - and I never was interested in hurting you intentionally - I was just trying to look out for me and my heart for once in my life, before it was broken - I guess that's something you can't foresee - because it's broken anyway. Maybe everything is just all convoluted and covered in anger - I wish I knew how you really felt about that week without the anger clouding everything.
This sweetheart of a girl told me about some other mineral make-up sites - I'm fiending for some eyeshadow pigments - she recommended About Face and MAD minerals. I really want MAC samples, but ohmygod, they are expensive. I *need* an acid green pigment eyeshadow - really I do! (hehe)
I'm all signed up for Halloween Switch Witch; I decided to not let the happenings and misfortune in the past round affect my happiness in this round. I enjoy it - it's fun - here's my answered ?aire for your amusement (boredom!) (grin) Hehe - I don't receive my assigned person until September 3rd-ish - but I've already bought some Halloween stickers and few other fun Halloween things (I'm so bad! hehe)
Switch Witch Questionnaire
Personal/Basic Information
Birthday: November 23, 1972 (don’t call me old....hehe!)
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas.
Pets: I live in a zoo - no joke (hehe) I have 6 cats; my roommate has 6 cats - and, we’re still arguing over who has "custody" of the 3 dogs (2 pugs and a part-chow). I tend to rescue animals (looks at floor and shuffles feet)
Children: Nope! I always tell my mom that she has grandpets, so that should make her happy - she doesn’t find me amusing (hehe)
Religious orientation: None really - I was raised Methodist. I believe in "something," but I don’t define it conventionally.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas! I also adore Halloween too - yay for Halloween!
Occupation/Major in school: Attorney/English Major.
Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): Currently, I live with an ex-boyfriend and have for about 3 years. My house is for sale (but no worries - I’ll be forwarding my mail!)
Livejournal/Blog/Website: I’m VoyeurWithWings on Livejournal, but I mostly use that for sales. I have a blog here: http://360.yahoo.com/tongue_n_chiq
Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): Womens’ Rights, Animal Rights, Anti-Discrimination (I’m very against any type of racism, sexism...etc) - and, I’d do anything I could to help get health-care for everyone.)
Favorite BPAL oils: Is there a limit? (hehe...deep breath) Jailbait, Glowing Vulva, Smut, 13 (original), Snow Bunny, Eat Me, Gluttony, Strawberry Moon, Spooky (one mint so far that loves me...hee!), Treat #2, Midway, Monster Bait: Underbed, Snow White, Bordello, Wanda, Carnal, Graveyard Dirt (goes expensive chocolate on me!), and Black Lace.
Favorite notes: Cotton Candy, Bubblegum, Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry, Lime, Cream, Sugar, Vanilla, Chocolate, Ginger, Caramel, Buttercream, Tobacco, Cogac, and Carnation.
Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: There are perfumes that aren’t bpal? (hehe) I have a few, but I never reach for them; I adore Aquolina Pink Sugar, but I have 2 bottles of it, the lotion...you get the idea...hehe.
Least favorite BPAL oils: Parsifal, Oberon, Aizen-Myoo (ohmygod...if I wanted to smell like cat pee - I know where to find it...hehe), and Privilege have been the ohmygod, get it off of me now ones so far. Basically florals = puke on me. (Uh, not literally, please! hehe)
Least favorite notes: Floral (I can wear carnation and sweet sweet red rose...that’s it in this category!), strong ozone notes, strong aquatic notes, metallic notes, incense, and frankincense. The only aquatic that I have fallen really hard for is Storm Moon (unfortunately Hehe)
Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: I haven’t tried hardly any to know anymore ;) I haven’t worn conventional perfume in 5 years.
Hair type: I have long, red (haircolor is my friend...hehe), thin-stranded hair - but I have a ton of it! It’s wavy if I let it dry, but I straighten it usually when I go out.
Skin Type: Very sensitive - and combination. I’m still prone to the occasional break-out apparently no matter how old I get :P (aren’t there supposed to be benefits to getting older? Hehe)
Allergies (specifically B&B related): Very strong cinnamon based products will make me burn - that’s it so far.
Other things to avoid: I have trouble with certain soaps - for example, while I adore Villainess smooches (ohmygod - love!) - her soaps are drying on me. Lush soaps are useable. I know there is a technical difference between the two but my brain hurts already tonight...(hehe)
Tub, shower or both? Both! I love baths...content sigh.
Favorite bath & beauty products: Lilypad Bathworks’ products (mostly her bath butters - she has amazing customer service and is getting new scents soon and bath bombs - and I am so excited), Villainess smooches (how I love these!), and Lush Shower Gels. I’m really anxious to try some Black Phoenix bath oils - I never have had more than a little sample. I love brightly colored eye shadows and am trying to find a good variety sampler of MAC eyeshadow pigments - because I want to try a bunch of different colors. I also love Urban Decay eyeshadow palettes, but I have many of them. I adore lip gloss; I hardly ever wear lipstick.
Clothing Style/Fave garments: If I have to do professional activities, then it’s a business suit - but, when I go out - I mostly wear black (because I wear brightly-colored make-up and don’t like to clash) - my style is basically reflected by Torrid clothing if you want to get general idea of what I wear (www.torrid.com). I like edgy and sexy clothing when I go out - I never wear pants or t-shirts (except for at home on the t-shirts) - I always wear dresses or skirts because they flatter my body shape more. I wear sparkly flip-flops if I feel lazy (hehe) - and really cool wedges when I feel like being stylish (my favorite pair are from Volatile and are black with white skulls on them).
T-shirt size and preference (standard, babydoll, tank, cami, etc): I just wear t-shirts at home when lounging so it doesn’t matter what type - I’ve worn 2X and 3X - but if it’s for a gift - I always tell someone 3X to be safe. The 2X bpal babydolls are very snug on me, and I didn’t wear the one I purchased.
Type(s) of jewelry worn: Necklaces! (Adore! I love the handmade ones and unique ones on etsy...I love handmade jewelry) Belly Rings (ohmygod, also love - I always run out of my money from bpal before I get some of these - I would love a handful of belly rings...hehe). I don’t typically wear earrings - however, I did just recently had my upper ear (cartilage) pierced - and I am looking for something unique to trade the standard ring out with in about a month. I saw one where a fairy looked like it was holding onto your ear - it was awesome :) I love "spooky" images (skulls, bats, spiders, snakes) with a feminine touch - like a pink skull belly ring or a purple spider pendant. I like jewelry with painted women or fairies or sometimes - even eerie landscapes. I like pieces that are unusual and that not everyone in the room is going to be wearing. I prefer center-piece jewelry to heavily-beaded jewelry.
Ring/wrist/collar size: I don’t wear rings or bracelets. Necklaces can be any length, because I own extenders. I can’t wear chokers though, because I am full-figured and don’t want to make my neck appear any shorter.
Jewelry - gold or silver? I’m a silver girl 
Do you have any allergies to metal? Nope.
Favorite gemstones: None really - I’m not really into gemstones - I like more hand-painted or hand-sculpted "center-piece" pendants and jewelry.
Pierced ears, stretched ears, neither? My ears are pierced normally and then one upper cartilage piercing.
Favorite colors: Sky blue, pink (light pink, hot pink, fuschia - I love pink!), lime green, deep purple, turquoise, and black.
Style/home decoration style: I love artwork - so I keep my walls fairly neutral, so I can display paintings and sculptures. My mom has been a professional artist since childhood, so I have a lot of paintings from her and her students - and from what her and my brother have purchased for me. I’m very modern in colors - I dislike rooms that look too "crafty" with too much woodwork, etc. For example, if I have a wooden door - I’m going to paint it - not stain it. As for artwork, I love moody prints and paintings of ethereal women (like gothic type mermaids, fairies, women with skulls). I love sculptures of fairies, modern cats, and any type of otherworldly figures.
Things you collect: bpal (hehe!) and art pieces.
Favorite music: Whew - long list - I’m very eclectic - some examples: Fiona Apple, Garbage, Nickelback, 50 Cent, Petey Pablo, The Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna, The Steve Miller Band, The Eagles, Prince, Tori Amos, Theory of a Deadman, Gwen Stefani, R. Kelly, Saliva, Puddle of Mudd, Fergie, Goldfrapp, Ludacris - basically top 40, dance, some r&b, alternative, hip-hop, 80's, 90's, and some "light" techno (like Goldfrapp).
Least favorite music: Classical and Country - ugh...hehe. The former puts me to sleep and the latter makes me wish I was asleep. (I do like some country cross-overs - like a couple of Miley songs, Faith Hill, and Shania Twain).
Vegetarian/Vegan?: Nope and nope.
Other food restrictions: I have severe IBS and acid reflux. I can’t eat anything spicy (like ginger) or hot (like peppery). I adore chocolate and will lovingly eat it - but I have to space it out! I also cannot drink coffee or anything else caffeinated - it upsets my acid reflux and IBS.
Favorite flavors: Chocolate! I also like strawberry, cherry, honey, lime, and vanilla.
Favorite foods/drinks: Chinese Food, Seafood, American Food, and Mexican Food. I drink mainly water. I dislike coffee and most teas - although, I love peppermint tea because I drink that for stomach cramping and it seems to help.
Favorite authors/genres: I’ve just started some of the Stephanie Meyers’ books - really wanting to read "The Host" but it’s just in hardback right now! I love romance-mystery, FBI-profile type novels, modern Vampire/ghost or any other supernatural novels (with a little humor thrown in!), and just fun, flirty romance reads for the days when I feel down. Some examples of authors that I have read and enjoyed are: Mary Janice Davidson, Janet Evanovich (I’ve read up to 13 in the Stephanie Plum novels - number 14 is still only in hardback), Lisa Jackson, and Lisa Gardner - I’m always up for new authors though!
Least favorite authors/genres: Danielle Steele - historical romances (gag!) and books with little humor - I’m not very into satirical reads, like religious satire. I read so many serious things for my profession, that I like to read very fun things when I have time to sit down with a book.
Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: I’m very curious about Stephanie Meyer’s new adult novel - but curious about discovering new authors too!
How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Not a problem - I buy most of my books online and used - it’s cheaper - and I’m going to read them hard anyway! Dog-earring them and reading them in the bathtub (hehe).
Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Locally, I shop at Sephora, Lane Bryant, shoe stores (can you really ever have too many shoes? Hehe), Hot Topic for fun little gifts, Michaels, and a local art store.
Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): (hehe...another deep breath!) www.torrid.com, www.lilypadbathworks.com, www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com (Hehe!), www.villainess.net, www.bodycandy.com, www.lush.com, www.zappos.com, www.etsy.com, and ebay of course for a little bit of everything!
Magazines you subscribe to: None 
Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Jane, Cosmo, Marie Claire, Random Art Magazines - whatever catches my attention on the shelf 
Favorite movies: (hehe...another long one!) Christmas Vacation, Enchanted, The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Liar Liar, The Fast and the Furious, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Wedding Date, The Wedding Planner, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Sweet Home Alabama, Titan A.E., Sinbad (animated), Bring It On, Mean Girls, Tommy Boy, Step Up, Save the Last Dance, Good Luck Chuck, The Bone Collector, and lots lots more.
Favorite TV show(s): (hehe - sorry in advance!) CSI (all of them), Project Runway, America’s Next Top Model, House, Criminal Minds, Numbers, Supernatural, Three’s Company (I’m a sitcom whore, really! Hehe), 2 and ½ Men, Shear Genius, Law and Order SVU, Top Chef, Hell’s Kitchen, Without a Trace, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cold Case, Angel, Gray’s Anatomy, Lost, Dexter, and Heroes.
Hobbies/crafts done: I paint - I love to paint! (acrylics) I’ve also gotten into some box-making for perfumes that are hand-painted with sculpted pieces on top. I’ve done a little pottery. I want to get into jewelry-making - I have some of the tools and supplies already but am feeling a little lost on where to start.
BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): http://voyeurwithwings.livejournal.com/832.html
Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): I’m trying to move everything over to kaboodle, so it will all be in one place: http://www.kaboodle.com/girlindenial/gift-ideas.html
And now for something completely different:
- Let's say you're "Lost" on an island: what two people and which three things would you want with you? I’d want my roommate (ex) and brother with me. My ex because he would stay cool-headed and my brother because he would be freaking out worse than I would be (hehe). Can a helicopter be one of the things? (hee!) I’m not really an outdoor-girl and would like to get the hell off the island...hehe - maybe I should change one of my persons to a pilot? (grin) For pure what is important to me reasons, I’d like a tv (I can’t sleep without one), my favorite pillowcase (it’s a childhood thing - leave me alone...hehe), and a phone that worked no matter where I was located (I’m not staying there forever :P )
- If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Hard one between invisibility and teleporting - I think invisibility - I’d love to be able to watch events and people - without anyone knowing that I was around (grin)
- What things do you consider a necessary part of your "comfort" ritual? My mom tries to cheer me up sometimes by getting me a pedicure - and I have designs done on my toes (I keep meaning to get a little kit with brushes and nailpolishes made for doing small designs, so I can learn how to do this myself! I haven’t researched whether there are little stencils either yet) - I use baths and a good book usually. I listen to music sometimes or watch tv. I love to sit down with any packages from the day and go through them gleefully - testing everything all over my arms (grin) I also play spades online to relax and write blogs to get everything out from the day if it was particularly stressful.
- If you were a household appliance, what would you be and why? I’d be a tv - because it always gets attention and gets turned on over and over (grin)
- What are the last 3 CDs you've had in your CD player, or played all the way through on your MP3 player? I don’t really have full CD’s of many artists (except for Garbage which is my favorite band) - because I usually only like a few songs from each artist. The last 3 songs I listened to were: Stars: "Your ex-lover is Dead," Rihanna: "Disturbia," and Elisa "Rock Your Soul."
- What are the last 2 movies you watched all the way through? Good Luck Chuck and Big Mama’s House.
Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):
It’s so hard to figure out a way to describe yourself in a short paragraph! I’m mostly a girly-girl with a tiny bit of a wicked/gothic edge. I’m not a frilly, lacy girl. Personality-wise, I’m very opinionated, outspoken if I feel someone is being done wrong or someone is doing wrong to me, silly, occasionally witty, and have a wicked/perverted sense of humor. I’ve very caring and compassionate and treat people close to me like the true gifts that they are to my life. I’ve been struggling with health problems (which have led to anxiety and depression) at this time in my life, and I’ve been having a hard time. Being sick has eaten up my savings and I have to move and economize. I’ll go through some days or weeks where I close myself off from people; this is not my typical personality though. I’ve gone through enough in my life now to understand what is truly important and what is small and petty and should just be let go.
Random Questions
If you have children, would you want something included for them? No children.
What are your travel imps? It’s really mood dependent with me; I keep meaning to get some little 1ml roller-bottles so I can carry my favorites with me - I usually reach for Smut, Eat Me, or Snow White if I’m in a hurry - those are never fails!
What is the most unexpected but thoroughly loved SW gift you've received? Wow - I’ve received wonderful things - my 2nd SW hand-painted a gift for me so that touched me - my 1st SW found a rare bottle for me and included the first season of Buffy - which I totally wasn’t expecting! She also found a pink bat belly ring which I just love love love.
If you have a pet, do they like to play with toys? Yes, but I don’t think anyone could send enough for all of the to play with! The dogs like treats and rawhide bones. The cats like little mice and are cat-nip crazy - I’m always buying catnip!
Do you like audio books? I don’t listen to them - I like music in the car.
How do you feel about bands you may not have heard before? Or, how do you feel about mixed cds of classic stuff that you probably have heard? I love mix cd’s! I joined a cd swap a month ago and have found so many new songs and artist that I didn’t expect to like - I was so excited about all of my "new" finds from the help of friends.
Most obscure interest: I’m a boggle-playing freak - does that count? I play online - no one ever wants to play with me (hehe)
What goodies do you love that you can't usually get? I’ve fallen in love with some of the little Japanese candies - like the ones with the fizzy centers; I can’t find these locally. I also like the Cadbury bars that you can only get overseas - like the flake bars.
What was your favorite childhood toy? Matchbox cars and barbie dolls.
How would you describe yourself--do you feel that you're shy or outgoing, laidback, high-strung... and in what ways? I’m shy in awkward situations or in group situations - unless I know a lot of the people - and then I’m outgoing and more fun. I’m very laid-back about life in general, unless I’m very frustrated - everyone has a few buttons 
What’s a talent you are most proud of? If it’s in a book, on the Internet, or in a case law database, I can find it ;) My researching and writing skills. I also love to apply make-up.
Religious preferences and patron saints/goddesses/spiritual mentors: I’m not associated formally with any religion.
What's your favorite flower? Tree? Gerber daisies - weeping willow.
Do you like homemade gifts? Like foodstuffs or crafts? Yes! Bring it on :) I love handmade items - and I love baked goods :)
What's your guilty pleasure? Perfume of course (grin) And, bath goodies! Chocolate occasionally.
If handmade stuff is okay, and it all goes horribly wrong, would you want it anyway? Sure. I wouldn’t want someone to have to do it over and over (hehe that sounds bad). I shipped a handmade bpal box with a sculpted anime figure and her poor head fell off - I just let my witchie know how to get it back on there ;)
Are you an indoor person or outdoor person? Indoor (I like to be outdoors more if it’s cold or snowing which rarely happens here unfortunately!)
What's your favorite color?
---For wearing? Black.
---For decorating? Black, White, Turquoise, Sky Blue, Lime Green - I can work with any primary color - I don’t really use "fall colors or fall versions of colors" (like dark green..yuck or brick red)
How would you describe your sense of humor? Hehe - silly and perverted!
Anything you really absolutely don't want to get? Like, something you could imagine would be seen as a good gift idea but is, in fact, not? Nothing comes to mind :) Someone I don’t know is making or getting me presents - you won’t hear me complaining!
Lip balm, yay or nay? Yay!
5 things that get you through the day: My pets, my friends and family, my computer (online forums/blogs, etc), smell-good things, and my belief that life is something to treasure and learn from all that I can no matter how I feel on a certain day. And, heating pads! Lots of heating pads (hehe)
Favorite Halloween Costume? I was a naughty school girl last year and a wicked fairy before that ;)
That is all...(hee!)