The past few days have been really strange. I'm still waiting for the results from my EGD, so I'm nervous and just generally in a pretty rotten mood - which is unusual for me. My roommate closed my laptop too hard when he was mad and broke the LCD screen I have a desktop, but my laptop is near the bed so I use it a lot when I'm attempting to get to sleep. I borrowed my mom's laptop, and she had so much spyware on there that it kept crashing. I tried for hours and used a million spyware removal programs to attempt to fix it but it was a no go. It had at least 4 really nasty spyware programs - I could only get 3 out of the 4 and one of them had shut down the task manager and one of them was blocking the internet connection. I took it to Best Buy to be repaired; I've never had a computer problem that I couldn't fix somehow but my mom never even made restore disks - so, I couldn't format the computer and then put all the software back on. Two laptops down. My roommate gave me 75% of the money that he owes me to replace my laptop, so I went ahead and purchased one. It's another HP except this one is faster, has more storage memory, and has a 17 inch screen, so I'm trying not to drool on it ;) I have 2 job interviews coming up which makes me nervous. I hate it that a 10-20 minute meeting determines whether or not you can have that job. I'm not sure if I make that great of a first impression. I'll have to ask some of my friends and find out
High school guy called today 3 times and texted me once. I finally picked up the phone to kill my curiousity about what was so important. I forgot that his car was totalled a week ago, so, get this, he was actually calling me to see if I can take him to run errands. He hasn't even talked to me in over 2 weeks. People just have a lot of nerve. I actually said something this time - I tried to make light of it and told him that if he just kept calling me when he needed something (his family is out of town so can't help right now) that I would get a complex. (i.e. I can't believe you called me to ask for something when you haven't talked to me for weeks and the last time that you did talk to me you were rude to me.) People who think that they are smarter than everyone else is kill me. Do these people really think that others don't know what they are doing? I have absolutely no problem with helping friends, but I dislike being used. If you're going to use one for something, at least use her for sex like most people would - at least that way, you both get something out of it.
Crazy computer lady sent me an e-mail. I'm not even going to open it. I don't even want to know what it says.
My stomach was/is hurting incredibly bad tonight - one of the joys of having IBS. Usually, as long as I avoid a list of foods, I feel ok. I had a roast beef sandwich for lunch and can't remember the last time I've eaten roast beef. I guess that is what made me sick. Thankfully, my brother talked to me for about 20 minutes and then I talked to a friend of mine for about 45 minutes until the pain pill kicked in. I've never called him when I'm not feeling well, but he was actually pretty nice to me. He can be a real asshole, and he knows that he can - so it's hard imagining that he can be sweet too. At least for once someone surprised me in a good way. I'm going to paint with my brother at my mom's art studio all day tomorrow so tomorrow should be good and I'll try to get out of this funk