That's my first and only tattoo pictured above. It's on the small of my back, and my mom designed it. I didn't want something exactly like what everyone else had - I wanted some type of personality to it. My mom is a professional artist and awesome by the way. She is one of the lucky ones that has found her natural talent and then developed it throughout her life. I keep wondering what my natural talent is - if I even have one. I always worry that it was something that I never tried like surfing (laugh). I don't have the best coordination sometimes though, so I doubt it ;) I'm not sure if I'm uncoordinated as much as I try to do annoying things as quickly as I can to get them over with, so I drop things or bump things off of a table, etc. I know - charming (I designed my mom's website but still having trouble getting the cart to work and I haven't updated it in awhile because I haven't felt like yelling bad words at my computer - but the site is here: www.amyhillimler.com.)
Anyway, I was only going to get one tattoo, but I was warned that they were addictive. My brother wants to get a tattoo but is trying to talk himself into it, so I told him that I would go with him tomorrow and get one at the same time if he loses his feathers. Although, I'm torn. I'm either going to get a dragon with a woman riding the dragon, which I know I would like, but I actually like the oriental style dragons better than the dragons with the wings and the tails. I wouldn't like a woman riding an oriental dragon because it wouldn't have wings so it wouldn't seem like something plausible (although...a woman riding a dragon...I know...I'm on crack) (laugh) My second alternative is an oriental dragon that I really like that is kind of evil-looking, but I would have it done in shades of pink. (Hey, I am a girl... ) I like to take "stereotypically" masculine images and then put a girl twist on them. I'm going to have either alternative tattooed on my upper right thigh.
I'm actually a needle-chicken too ;) So, I'm sure that I'll have trouble sleeping tonight (grin).
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