I've bought two belly rings (one is pictured above), and I can't stand it (laugh) I have another month before I can change it out. I'm going to get a butterfly, a spider, and the dragon I already have covered (I actually got two - b/c I found one at the mall that's light blue and sparkly and then the evil woman at the booth told me about another one she sold out of that had a dragon head on the top and the body on the bottom - so I had to track this one down online too). I can't believe how many there are to choose from - there are actually some that read "lick me" (hehe). Hopefully, if someone is to my belly button with that person's mouth - then that person already knows what to do without having to read it
I also ordered a bunch of toe rings - I hate hot weather but my feet and toes are ready to come out (laugh). I love sandals. I had already ordered a cherry one, a butterfly, a pair of pink lips, and a spider and then found this awesome pink skull toe ring. But, I can only find it on one website and the shipping is atrocious ($7 bucks for *one* toe ring - do you know how light those things are? Give me a break). I'm trying to talk myself into it - I wish I had found this one first (Did I mention that I'm such a shopping addict?) Although, I can typically find really good deals (b/c I'm used to doing research).
My EGD biopsies were clear and my cat scan was clear - so I'm left with the same diagnosis as always - which is IBS. There is a really good website that I use all the time to reassure myself that other people are out there that feel as awful as I do sometimes and to check what certain medications do to other people that have IBS: http://www.ibsgroup.org/
My job interviews were stressful as usual. I had one on Wednesday and one on Friday. The Wednesday one was for a non-attorney position but it is writing and research based, so I'm sure I would like it since that is what I like to do the most. I have no idea how this one went; it was very informal. The owner kept telling me stories (very entertaining) from when he was a police officer. The second interview was three attorneys staring at me, and they made me sit at the head of the table (laugh). I made some joke about how if I could interview people, that I would probably torture them too. I didn't do very well in listing the job duties and specific things that I did while I was working in my last firm; I was nervous and I have trouble with open-ended questions when I'm nervous. Thinking back, I should have just pulled my resume out to refresh my memory and break the anxiety. What made it even more nerve-racking is that the lead interviewer told me that 45 (I'm not kidding) attorneys applied for the position, and that they narrowed it down to 9 for interviews. (I was thinking - how the hell did I get in the 9? laugh). I got into the 9 I believe because I have a significant amount of property law experience, and, from what one of the interviewers mentioned, because he was impressed with my law school performance. I'm going to try to repair the part of the interview where I knew I wasn't as well spoken as I could have been with a well-written thank you letter. We'll see what happens, but I'm not holding my breath on this one (I really wish I could be a positive person...I really do...I keep trying but to no avail). My mom tells me to picture myself in that office working with the people that interviewed me. I have an excellent imagination, so I can conjure up this image but then the doubts start creeping in to destroy the image. I've always had a hard time looking forward to things in the future or with thinking that something good could potentially happen to me - if you think that way, and then it doesn't happen (which is so often the case), then the disappointment is even worse and more painful. It's a no-win situation.
I wrote a letter to Comcast and played the attorney card (hey, it got me free pizzas once when service was horrible...joking grin) with a letter to management at the Little Rock office. They called twice yesterday and showed up at 7 p.m. last night to swap out the box and recheck the lines. It has improved my connection at least 60%, but it still dropped off approximately 7 times yesterday. One of the two maintenance men, the supervisor, is being incredibly rude (big surprise) and trying to blame it on my equipment (what equipment? my 4 day old laptop or my 2 year old desktop that has never had any type of problem?). If they would tell me specifically what they are trying to blame it on, I would replace it or inform them why that isn't the case. I hate when people bullshit you and make excuses and think that you're too stupid to catch it. I always have to fight to keep from rolling my eyes. I'm going to pursue this until it's repaired to 100%; I'm paying for it and have for 2 years and shouldn't have to deal with 60% especially since my phone service is equally affected since I use Vonage.
I've been trying to fight getting down (in spirits...not 70's dancing...laugh) since yesterday. I am not sure what's wrong; I think my life was just so intense for a few weeks and now the intensity is over or resolved - so I'm just trying to take a breath. I hate that feeling when you know that you're about to be temporarily depressed, and you have to try to fight it. Except for when you feel that way, you want to listen to sad songs and think sad thoughts - so it's a trial. I'm not sure if I've beaten it yet I was supposed to go out with my roommate and his friends last night and drink/talk/hang out, but it was moved until tonight. I need a break from the stress of this week, so hopefully that will be fun and I'll keep out of trouble
(Ok, so I wouldn't mind a tiny bit of trouble...grin)
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